
Users registered under the same business email domain will be categorized into one organizational space. Within this framework, colleagues form teams to collaboratively manage projects, each tailored to business needs.

Projects cover the entire lifecycle of a marketing campaign, from scriptwriting and media review to creative management, distribution, and reporting, providing a comprehensive suite of functionalities for effective execution.

If your company doesn't have a corporate email system, you can collaborate with others in the workspace.

People in your organization

There are different people including members, guests, limited access members, and more in an organization.

Your employees will be organization members, while external collaborators (such as creative agencies working with you) will be guests for your organization. For example, is a member of the organization "", and anyone joining the organization with any other email address (such as or is considered a guest to the organization "".

You cannot convert organization members into guests. Membership within the organization is automatically determined by the individual's email address.

Organization member

Membership in an organization depends on the domain of the email address used at the time of registration. To become a member of the organization, you must register using a corporate email address. Registering with a corporate email address automatically adds you to the organization and grants you member status. Organization members can:

  • Create new teams.

  • View a complete list of teams within the organization that are open for joining requests.

  • Through team settings, view the names and email addresses of other members and visitors within the organization. Administrators of the organization can also view a complete list of organization members and visitors through their organization settings.

  • Access projects that have been made public to the team or upon invitation to join a project.

Members who automatically join your organization must request to join or be invited to one of your teams in order to collaborate with the correct team. Click here for more information.


You can invite your clients or service providers to join your organization for collaboration. The email addresses of your clients or service providers may not be corporate emails (they might be,, etc.), and these individuals will become guests for your organization.

Guests have limited access to your organization; they can only see content that is explicitly shared with them. Guests can only join teams through an invitation. They cannot create, view, or request to join any other teams.

Guests can invite others to join your organization by sharing projects or tasks they have joined. (Paid organizations can control the invitation rights of guests through settings.)

In the organization's member list, guests' names will be marked with a globe icon to identify them as guests.

Limited-access member

Each team has its own members and projects. Users who can't access all projects within the team will be displayed as limited-access members. Limited access members can access the projects they have joined, but cannot access the team page or see other projects in the team that they have not joined.

Both organization members and guests can become limited access members. Limited-access members count toward the allocation of seats within your tier.

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