Media review
Media review is the place where you review your media with your teammates. Its power can be multiplied by script, creative, workflow, distribution, and reporting features.
Last updated
Media review is the place where you review your media with your teammates. Its power can be multiplied by script, creative, workflow, distribution, and reporting features.
Last updated
Go to your project and choose the "Media review" tab on the top;
Click "Add file" to upload your Media;
You can fill in different fields such as "Media producer", "Script", "Due date" and other fields at this stage.
Click the uploaded media and start reviewing media;
Click the "▶️“ to play the video and comment where you stop the video;
You can use our tool to highlight the area you want to comment on and suggest changes;
Click "Need modification" on the top right corner by asking the media producer to edit it further;
You can compare the two different versions of your media and edit them further;
Click "Review approved" to approve the media;
For approved media, they are automatically uploaded to your creative table;
Click "Aspect ratio" to create different aspect ratios of approved media for various distribution channels;
Repeat the above steps to review more media.
Who can review the media?
For private-to-member media review tasks, project members and media review collaborators can review the media.
For public-to-team media review tasks, team members, project members, and media review collaborators can review the media.
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