Custom field
Custom Field is the place where you add custom columns to the end of the table. Its power can be multiplied by script, media review, workflow, creative, rule, and reporting features.
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Custom Field is the place where you add custom columns to the end of the table. Its power can be multiplied by script, media review, workflow, creative, rule, and reporting features.
Last updated
Go to any of the Script, Media review, or Creative tables and click the "+" in the last column;
If you create a new field, name the field and choose the field type;
There are 6 types to choose from - "Single Choice", "Multiple Choice", "Date", "Personnel", "Text", and "Number",
You can add the description for this newly created field;
Add option;
You can also select from the recommended field or import from your library;
Click "Create new";
Repeat the above steps to create more custom fields.
For how to create field customization respectively in the Script, Media review, and Creative tables, please check: