Join a team

You can search for other teams in your organization using the search bar and request to join one if you want to access the team's projects and collaborate with other team members.

You can also get an invite to a team via an email or a shareable link that gives you access to the team.

After requesting to join a team, an existing team member will need to approve your request.

By default, all current team members will receive an email notification for requests to join the team, and any member can click through to approve. However, a team admin can limit these email notifications to only go to team admins.

To approve team membership requests, there are three entry points:

  • Inbox: You will receive new requests to join the team in your inbox, where you can choose to approve or reject them.

  • Notification banner: When you have the authority to approve team membership requests, you will receive a banner notification. Clicking on it will open the "Member Requests" window, where you can choose to approve or reject.

  • Through member management on team page: Members awaiting approval to join will be displayed in a pending approval state, and you can choose to approve or reject them.

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Last updated